Law Firm Directory

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Rio Grande do Sul
Porto Alegre
Medina Osório Advogados
Medina Osório Advogados

Medina Osório Advogados

Rua Furriel Luiz Antônio de Vargas, 250/502 , Bela Vista
90470-130 Porto Alegre-RS

Telephone: 55 51 3312-1277
Fax: 55 51 3312-1277
E-mail: [email protected]


Presentation: The Law Offices of Medina Osório Attorneys-At-Law specializes in the area of administrative law in general, and particularly with regard to securities, commodities, finance and tax counseling and litigation, as well as criminal law including white-collar crimes and environmental law.

Activities and services: Administrative Crimes, Administrative Law, Economic Law, Environmental Law.

Languages: English, Spanish, French and Italian.

Established since: 2007

Partners' profiles and contact information: 15